Keywords: quality management system, marketing, international standard, ISO 9000 standards, customer orientation, consumer, process approach


The article reviews the role and functions of marketing in the international ISO standards of 9000 series. The author analyzes the interconnection of regulations in ISO 9000:2015, ISO 9001:2015 standards with the main principles of enterprise marketing policy. The actuality of the study is caused by the fact that neither the preceding, nor the actual editions of the said standards use the term “marketing” or make focus on it. This evokes complications for a company marketing service, as it along with other divisions needs to take part in developing, supporting, and improving the quality management system (QMS). It also should be taken into consideration that marketing does not start where the manufacture ends, but rather vice versa – the nature and the volumes of manufacture are dictated by marketing research. ISO 9000 standards operate with such terms as a “customer” and “orientation on a customer”, which reflects the main principles of marketing and quality management. Therefore, the aim of this article is to define the role of marketing in the QMS, essentially from the perspective of providing for customer satisfaction, for understanding their current and upcoming needs and expectations, connecting enterprise goals with it, as well as cooperating with the customers to achieve sustainable success. Though marketing does not have a process approach to activities, and hence there is no system approach as well, a marketing department should take a leading role in the system of interconnected QMS processes to for a development strategy for an organization, as it is the structural subdivision that possesses the fullest information about the internal and external factors that influence the market. The methodologic basis of the study is a complex of theoretical methods, namely: analysis, synthesis, justification, comparison and generalization of scientific literature, the method of systematization of the obtained results. The materials of the study can be used when developing or revamping a quality management system, in particular with regard to the description of the “Marketing” process and the development of “Marketing” as a documented technique.


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How to Cite
LysenkоO. (2021). THE ROLE OF MARKETING IN THE QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. Economy and Society, (30).