The article is devoted to topical issues of determining the priority areas of product policy development of tourist enterprises of Ukraine. The available product marketing strategies of tourist enterprises are generalized. Forms of development of the range of services of tourist enterprises in the conditions of development of information society are systematized. It is substantiated that the creation of a tourist product covers the implementation of the functions of marketing product policy, which should be considered as a comprehensive plan to achieve marketing business goals and objectives of gaining and strengthening the market position of the company in the market of tourist services. The planning of the development of marketing product policy on the Internet should cover the interrelated stages of determining the goals of the tourist enterprise, the choice of product strategies and concepts, budgeting and control. The factor of its efficiency is the continuity of technological modification of the tourist product to increase its consumer value. Adequate construction of product policy requires a careful analysis of impressions and attitudes of consumers, because the Internet processes of marketing and research, development, visualization and consumption of tourism products occur simultaneously, including the creation of new customer experience. As a basis for marketing product policy on the Internet, it is proposed to consider the website of a travel company, the optimization of which will help increase the conversion rate. It is proposed to carry out regular analysis of content for compliance with competitive factors of development. It is important to include in the tourist product the maximum tool palette to ensure convenience and safety of consumption. Thus, on-line booking in the structure of the product comprehensively solves the issues of transportation, organization of transfers, accommodation at the destination, food, insurance and excursion provision of consumers. Internet multimedia provides the opportunity for a presentation demonstration, which forms a virtual culture of consumption and the gradual perceptibility of intangible tourism products.
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