Keywords: hotel and restaurant business, hospitality, foreign languages, professional training, teaching methods


The knowledge of foreign languages is considered to be one of the most important skills in hospitality industry, particularly in hotel and restaurant business. Low language skills or their lack can lead to misunderstandings between the staff and the guests. This can negatively affect their impressions of the offered services and thus the quality of the establishment, which can lead to revenue loss and negative advertising. It has also been noted, that knowing just one language often isn’t enough. While English remains as the main lingua franca of international communication, the companies now strive to provide better service by including other language options, thus there is a greater demand for specialists capable of speaking three or more languages. This paper aims to analyze the main skills and abilities required by the future specialists in hospitality industry for professional communication in foreign language, as well as the main methods of their training. While the knowledge of the specialized language and idioms used in a particular field is a necessity in any industry, hospitality has its own requirements. Fluency in oral communication is considered the most important skill for future hotel and restaurant managers, but the success of working with foreign guests and partners also depends on good knowledge of culture and traditions of other countries. Thus the teaching of foreign language should be focused on communication and intercultural skills. It has been noted that in order to form the necessary skills, it is recommended to combine different teaching methods focused on communication. These methods can include competency-based approach, problem-solving method, task-based teaching, business game, etc. It is also recommended to include interactive communication with native speakers into the curriculum, since it allows the students to improve their cultural knowledge through formal or informal communication. This could be accomplished either in-person (through international internships and academic mobility) or by using Internet resources (webinars, online courses, video conferences, etc.).


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