The article is devoted to the issues of increasing the role of local taxes and fees as a tool for filling the revenue side of local budgets. The study indicated that each of the types of local taxes and fees has certain shortcomings that do not allow the local taxation system to be a full-fledged component of the local budgets’ revenue side. The positive dynamics of growing the role of local taxes and fees in the Ukrainian local budgets' revenue part has been defined. At the same time, the analysis of the local taxation system revealed weaknesses in its functioning. The main disadvantage is that the current system of local taxation in Ukraine does not fully perform its fiscal function. Other weaknesses of the domestic system of local taxation are: lack of rights for local governments to introduce their own local taxes and fees; inconsistency of public services to the amount of taxes paid by the population; problems related to the administration of existing local taxes and fees. Problems that hinder the socio-economic development of the regions of Ukraine have been identified. It is proposed to reform the local taxation system in several areas: by increasing the role of local taxes and fees in the revenue side of local budgets (by including in local taxes and fees some national taxes); by giving local authorities more powers in the field of local taxation; through work to improve the administration of existing local taxes. It is recommended to use the positive foreign experience, which will help the system of local taxation in Ukraine to become the basis of financial autonomy of the regions. The implementation of the recommendations set out in the article makes it possible to strengthen the fiscal and regulatory importance of local taxes and fees. The practical use of these proposals is quite possible, however, requires significant time resources and stabilization of the financial and economic situation in Ukraine.
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