Keywords: digital transformation, corporate governance, efficiency of digital transformation, factors influencing digital transformation


The article is devoted to the consideration of the issue of digital transformation in business, namely the indicators of its effectiveness. Given the global trends in the digital direction, this issue is very relevant. The article allows you to get specific indicators that, according to the author, are relevant today and in the future should be improved in parity with the digital age of the modern world. In addition, the factors that influence digital transformation are presented, which is useful in tracking the effect of the production of digital solutions in business processes. Each of the presented factors depends on the specifics of the business under study, because the development industry has a fairly strong influence on these factors. In the future, the presented material must be adapted for a particular industry. However, the summarized indicators and factors from this article are a powerful foundation for further research. If an enterprise has the ability to measure the effectiveness of efforts to implement the digital transformation of its corporate governance, this is one of the most important opportunities to develop when planning any digital change initiative. Too often, however, organizations are willing to embrace new digital technologies or initiatives without a systematic approach to measurement, analysis, and improvement. Digital transformations in business can radically change the company, as they affect all corners of the organization, modernizing existing and creating new business processes. Each transformation process affects a number of processes. In order to track the outcome of transformations and know what they lead to, it is necessary to track the effect at each stage of implementation. The right efforts for digital transformation can dramatically improve many areas of business, as well as any other organizational change, the way such changes are implemented directly affects their success. Without measuring the result, the organization may even lose part of its profits. To avoid this, it is necessary to develop a system for monitoring progress and identifying weaknesses, you can set a course to achieve greater success and organizational change.


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How to Cite
Zinyuk, M. (2021). EVALUATION OF EFFICIENCY OF DIGITAL BUSINESS TRANSFORMATION. Economy and Society, (29). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2021-29-57