European choice made by Ukraine and the availability of powerful science resources gives a worthy place to intellectual property – the leading production factor. About 90% development of the modern economy is supplied with intellectual resources, mainly using results of scientific & technical activity and its transformation to innovation products. The goal of the article is researching of the condition of the domestic intellectual property market in the context of economic knowledge development and grounding proposals about its development. The article is showing results of the research about the position of Ukraine in international ratings. The conclusion was made that Ukraine is uncompetitive on international comparison level. It was proved that, in recent years, level of intellectual activity of Ukrainian enterprises and organizations is significantly diminished, as the quantity of scientific & technical workers, and eventually it reflects on the patent activity. During the research, it was found that indicators of financial maintenance of the science in Ukraine is significantly lower than world standards have, which makes a further technological lag of Ukrainian economy from world leading economics. Basing on the past and current statistical data on scientific and innovation activity, authors made the conclusion about the existence of a significant potential in the field of new technology, new plan project designing developments with the international level of competitiveness, and its insufficient use, distinguishing a financial component as the key factor among the reasons of drag. To improve the intellectual property market, top-priority is creating favorable condition for the each participant adhering current regulations, rules of fair competition and restricting participation of government control and management. Primary theoretic and methodological states illustrated in the article can be used in the process of forming government commercialization strategy of intellectual property objects to organize, save and improve competitiveness advantages of the economy of Ukraine.
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