Road safety is a major factor in the economic growth of any country. When complying with all regulatory requirements for safety you can achieve "zero" deaths on the roads, in turn allows the efficient use of budgetary financial resources for other needs. In the conditions of constant growth of the number of vehicles on the highways of Ukraine, without proper development of the infrastructure the probability of accidents on the roads will increase. According to world statistics, every year road accidents kill tens of thousands and injure hundreds of thousands of people. Each traffic accident entails significant socio-economic losses, which depend exponentially on the severity of injuries or the presence of casualties. Thus, the annual amount of socio-economic losses from road accidents reflects the result of economic assessment of road safety. The object of the study is evaluation safety motor roads by the amount of socio-economic losses cased by road accidents in Ukraine and European countries. The purpose of the work is to calculate the approximate forecast of socio-economic losses in Ukraine and European countries until 2025 and to assess the effectiveness of investment in projects to improve road safety. Research methods - analysis of statistical data, forecasting of socio-economic losses on the basis of extrapolation of trends with the determination of the parameters of the quadratic equation by determinant method, comparison of the actual savings from reducing the losses from road accidents, calculation of economic efficiency of measures to improve road safety. The article presents the calculation of socio-economic losses from road accidents with the subsequent forecast of these costs in the 5-year perspective, as well as the evaluation of the effectiveness of investment in measures to improve road safety. It has been confirmed that the financing of road projects to improve road safety provides a significant economic benefit to the national economies of the European Union and Ukraine. The results of the work can be used in the investment process and in the preparation of a feasibility study of road projects.
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Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Pro zatverdzhennya Derzhavnoyi prohramy pidvyshchennya rivnya bezpeky dorozhnʹoho rukhu v Ukrayini na period do 2020 roku [About Approval of the State Program to Increase the Level of Road Safety in Ukraine for the Period up to 2020]. Available at: (accessed: 07.02.2021)