Keywords: stock market, depository system, depository activities, government regulation, securities


The article is devoted to topical issues of depository support of the stock market of Ukraine. The Depository System of Ukraine is defined as a set of participants in the depository system and legal relations between them regarding the accounting of securities, rights to securities and rights to securities and their restrictions established in the system of depository accounting of securities, including as a result of settlements securities. It is noted that the depository support of the stock market is an important element of the infrastructural support of its activities, which aims to create the most favorable conditions for building effective legal relations between all participants in the depository system. The effectiveness and efficiency of depository activities creates opportunities to increase the transparency of relations arising in the stock market, improve the system of determining the value of investment resources on the basis of fair and sound approaches. At the present stage of economic transformation, it is important to ensure the implementation of effective state regulation of depository activities. However, it is necessary to ensure a balanced approach to its implementation. The influence of the state on the functioning of the depository system should be indirect and mainly eliminate the consequences of negative fluctuations in economic conditions in international capital markets. The basic conditions and principles of depository activity of depository institutions according to the current legislation are determined. Approaches to the basic principles of regulation of depository activity are described. The dynamics of key indicators of depository operation of the stock market in Ukraine is analyzed. The characteristics of structural and institutional transformations in the stock market that had an impact on the depository system are described. Based on the analysis of the stock market, the need to improve the mechanism of functioning of the depository system of Ukraine at the present stage of economic transformation, aimed at using best international practices of depository management.


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How to Cite
Stepankevuch, N. (2021). DEPOSITARY SECURITY OF THE STOCK MARKET FUNCTIONING. Economy and Society, (29).