The consequences of the global crisis in the hotel pandemic, in particular, the search for solutions to gradually stagnate the industry, identify problems and prospects for the hotel business in the country remain unresolved, debatable, need clarification and further development, which necessitates this research. The purpose of the article is to define and describe service activities in the hotel business as a tool to increase its competitiveness. The following methods were used in the research process: theoretical generalization, abstract-logical and retrospective analysis – to study the basic principles of the hotel business. According to the results of the study it is determined that in modern conditions one of the phenomena that effectively affects the production process in the hotel business was the progress of service activities, which includes the use of a wide range of modern information technologies, customer security technologies, online and mobile technologies. The introduction of mobile devices in the form of "contactless support" in the hotel business, the introduction of artificial intelligence, benchmarking, software in the management of the hotel complex and management, the use of environmental innovations. In order to respond to the economic crisis and maximize the functioning of the market of hotel services in Ukraine in the current situation, the following areas are proposed: direct participation and support of the state in the implementation of large investment projects; increasing the list of additional services; improving the quality and culture of customer service; bringing highways in proper condition that meets international standards, finding the latest strategies and approaches to hotel business management, intensive implementation and use of innovative information technologies, further formation and development of national hotel chains, mainly in the segment of 2-3 stars, without direct competition with international hotel chains; on the other – in the development of small business in the sector of creating mini-hotels designed for low-cost tourism.
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