Keywords: leisure, hotel animation, children's animation, family recreation, resort hotels, mini club


The article is devoted to the study of theoretical and practical aspects of the organization of children's animation in resort hotels. The topic is relevant, because the global development of family travel and recreation requires the expansion of hotel services, including the organization of leisure for children and adults. The article considers possible formats of children's leisure in hotels and summarizes the factors influencing it. The role of children's animation in hotel service was determined. Its organization has distinctive features that require careful planning and involvement of appropriate resources. Children's animation is popular in the resorts of Turkey, Egypt and some other European countries. Tourists (including Ukrainians) come here for a long recreation (7-14 days). Based on theoretical materials and practical experience of foreign resorts, the author highlights the features of material, technical, personnel and program support of children's animation. It was found that kids clubs most often serve children aged 4-12. Sometimes programs are also offered for teenagers. Examples of typical animation activities for children in resort hotel programs are given. Sports, entertainment, educational and other activities are among them. It is important that they are interesting, safe and age-appropriate. Much attention is paid to the organizational aspects of the functioning of mini clubs, their structuring and models of cooperation with hotel enterprises. Hotels organize their work differently: depending on the number of children and their age, animators, infrastructure and many other factors. Features of service of children's clubs of tour operators are outlined. Children's clubs of tour operators also have certain features. They work according to standardized programs, take into account the language of tourists and complement package tours. Often they are chain and have well-known names. The article notes the impact of quarantine restrictions in connection with COVID-19 on hotel animation. This issue at the foreign and domestic levels needs some research in the future.


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How to Cite
Nosa, B. (2021). FEATURES OF ORGANIZATION OF CHILDREN’S ANIMATION IN RESORT HOTELS. Economy and Society, (29). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2021-29-51