Keywords: hospitality, hospitality industry, tourism industry, leisure industry, hospitality industry services, service consumption segments, tourism cluster


The paper is devoted to the study of the main definitions of the categorical apparatus of the hospitality and tourism theory. 1. The paper summarizes and formulates approaches to determining the relations between the concepts of “hospitality industry” and “tourism industry. The main segments of the consumption of services in the hospitality industry and the tourism industry have been highlighted. It has been proved that it is unreasonable to classify business travelers as “tourists” and it is expedient to single them out as a separate segment in the composition of consumers of services in the hospitality and tourism industry. Various approaches to defining the essence and the composition of the hospitality industry have been investigated: from its complete identification with the hotel industry and considering this industry as an integral part of tourism to the inclusion in the hospitality industry of all enterprises directly or indirectly related to the provision of accommodation, food, recreation services, entertainment, etc. The key feature of hospitality services, which fundamentally distinguishes them from all other services provided to the population, has been revealed. It has been proven that the main specificity of these services depends on the nature of the very needs that they satisfy. The key difference between these needs is that these are the primary, physiological needs of a person for a night's lodging and food, which are mandatory. It is this feature that gives grounds for uniting the subjects of the provision of these services into a single industry—the hospitality industry—and considering it in a narrow sense. An important argument in favor of this unifying is also the presence of a close correlation between consumers of accommodation and catering services revealed as a result of a study of the type and nature of consumption of hospitality and tourism services in the context of individual segments (groups) of consumers. The conclusion about the legitimacy of the use of the “hospitality industry” in several semantic loads, namely, in a narrow and broad sense, has been substantiated. It has been proved that in the legislative field, it is legitimate to use the definition of the “hospitality industry” in a purely narrow sense. The use of this category in a broad sense (as well as the definitions of the “tourism industry”, “leisure industry”, etc.), in principle, seems unreasonable, both in the context of developing economic sectors and a hypothetical construction of economic sectors, regardless of how the investigated definitions relate. It is legitimate to shape such associations purely in the context of using the cluster model of regional development, while considering the concept of the “hospitality industry” in a broad sense.


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