Keywords: advertising management, coke industry enterprises, marketing, B2B marketing, virtualization, advertising trends


One of the tools for successful activities for industrial enterprises, including coke industry enterprises, is advertising management. It allows the use of advertising technology to promote industrial products. Today, among the tools of advertising management digital technologies began to play an important role. That reflect current trends in advertising space and doing business in the context of virtualization and digitalization. These trends have also become especially relevant in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, when the use of Internet technologies has become a condition for survival in all spheres of society. Therefore, the purpose of the article was to substantiate the list of basic tools of advertising management and determine the main directions of their virtualization in the coke industry. The article explores the essence of advertising management, identifies its main tools. A comparative analysis of advertising management models – marketing paradigms is conducted. It is substantiated that for effective activity of coke chemical enterprises it is necessary to introduce the latest technologies and apply the concept of B2B marketing, which includes search promotion; contextual advertising; e-mail marketing; tools inside the B2B site; covert marketing; work with blogs, social networks, etc. The main features of modern advertising management in B2B markets in general and the market of coke products in particular are formed. Among the trends of modern advertising management are identified: content marketing and content marketing strategy; customer-oriented approach in marketing; integration of marketing data; holistic approach to marketing; adaptation to a common screen; creating your own Internet applications; media sponsorship and creation of media platforms; use of online stores and online services. Based on the current trends in the field of virtualization in the development of advertising management measures will allow the coke industry to increase sales.


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How to Cite
Rudyka, V. (2021). FEATURES OF ADVERTISING MANAGEMENT IN THE COKE INDUSTRY: ASPECTS OF VIRTUALIZATION. Economy and Society, (29). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2021-29-53