In modern conditions of market competition, a rational cost management system becomes a key factor in the effective functioning of the enterprise. An important place in this system is occupied by the methodology of cost accounting and cost calculation of products. It is the information about costs that is key in shaping the price of finished products, when making effective management decisions in order to ensure the profitability of the enterprise. The introduction of international accounting and financial reporting standards in the accounting policy of national enterprises requires improvement of their methods and forms of cost management. This explains the relevance of the research topic. The purpose of the article is to find out the peculiarities of the main methods of cost accounting that take place in the accounting practice of national and foreign enterprises, to determine the priority of their use in various enterprises; analysis of differences in the methodology of the foreign method of calculation standard – cost and normative method of cost accounting, which is common in Ukraine; search for ways to improve the cost accounting system at national enterprises. Results of the study: the main methods of cost accounting inherent in national and foreign accounting practice are systematized, their general characteristics are provided; priorities in the use of methods depending on the strategic and technological characteristics of enterprises are defined; comparative analysis of the national normative method of cost calculation of production cost and foreign method standard - cost was carried out; considered on the example the main methodological aspects of using the standard-cost method in order to further introduce additional elements of this system into the accounting practice of domestic enterprises; identified ways to improve the system of accounting and cost management at domestic enterprises: adjusting the accounting policy on cost accounting methods, taking into account the specifics of production and strategic tasks of the organization; introduction into the system of normative accounting of costs of additional elements of the standard-cost method, which will increase the efficiency of cost allocation between calculation objects; involvement in the system of strategic management of elements of targeting-kosting and kaizen-kosting systems.
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