The article reveals the essence of the concepts of " self-management", "staff development". The theoretical basis of the conceptual model is considered, which is: the principles and laws of self-management, which are divided into types that are systematized and substantiated by scientists and practitioners within the theory of human behavior. It is revealed that the principles of self-organization and management allow to consciously create conditions for their favorable actions, to predict and predict the development of events, to put forward reasonable and realistic goals of management (building a tree of goals); making management decisions by analyzing the state of the environment, which will determine the urgent need for staff development; assessment of own resource capabilities (constraints) for the development of appropriate strategic goals of the enterprise and personnel development strategy, as well as the needs of the enterprise at a certain stage of its operation. It is proved that the techniques and technologies of self-management are a sequence of stages related to its main functions (goal setting, planning, decision-making, implementation and organization, control, information and communication). For each function, working techniques and methods of implementation are developed, as well as the expected result in the form of a gain in time. Such methods of personnel development as coaching, training, e-learning, case study, self-study, secondment, basket method, have become relevant. All of them are methods of self-management with certain advantages and disadvantages of their implementation. To enhance staff development, the use of various forms of its activities is taken into account, namely: individual; binary method; group; frontal method. The main directions of self-planning (time management; stress management; tim-management (team management); impression management; resource management; life management) that affect not only the process of development and updating the concept of personnel management, but have a tight manner interconnection.
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