The article is devoted to aspects of management of financial and economic condition of enterprises. The purpose of the study was to substantiate the recommendations for improving the tools and tools used in the enterprise to improve its financial and economic condition, in connection with the policy of strategic business planning. It is established that the improvement of the financial and economic condition of the analyzed enterprise is necessary given that it determines the level of provision of the enterprise with the appropriate amount of financial resources necessary for effective economic activity and timely settlement of its obligations; financial and economic condition is considered one of the most important characteristics of production and financial activities. According to the results of forecasting trends in equity, the amount of assets and non-current assets, current liabilities and collateral, current assets, income and profitability of the analyzed enterprise, the main directions of improvement and tasks of financial and economic strategy of the enterprise are identified and substantiated. The structure and elements of the management system of the financial and economic condition of the enterprise are identified and characterized. An algorithm with the basic stages of development and implementation of a strategy to improve the financial and economic condition of the enterprise is formed. The directions and means of improving the financial and economic condition of the enterprise are substantiated, the implementation of which is focused on strengthening the positions of the financial and economic component of the competitiveness of enterprises. The scientific novelty of the research results lies in the further development of management tools for the financial and economic condition of business entities. The practical significance of the results of the study is that the introduction of strategy tools, as well as improving the financial security system, improving the capital structure of the enterprise, improving the economic efficiency of resources and financial and economic activities in general will significantly improve the financial and economic condition of the enterprise. market value and investment attractiveness.
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