Today, innovation in enterprises is the key to maintaining market position and ensuring a stable level of competitiveness. However, the issue of effective management of innovation is relevant, which raises the question of principles and tools that can be applied in the enterprise. The main purpose of the article is to consider the principles and their classification in order to effectively achieve management goals in the implementation of innovative activities in the enterprise. In writing such articles, general scientific methods such as analysis, synthesis, induction and deduction, abstraction and analogy, were used to determine the relationship between types of innovation in entrepreneurship with the innovation management principles and stimulate the hierarchy of management principles using innovation. The article is devoted to the peculiarities of innovation in enterprises, namely in terms of innovation management principles. The author considers a set of principles that can be followed in the implementation of innovative activities in the enterprise. The importance of applying the systematicity principle is noted and its five components are considered separately, which allow to form an effective organization with interdependent elements. The importance of determining the innovations classification in the innovative activities conduct is emphasized and the possibility of grouping the principles according to the classification used in the enterprise is revealed. The author grouped the principles according to his own classification, defining the basis and superstructures, which allowed to build their hierarchy. The presented grouping can help to define the necessary set of principles for innovative activity management according to the type of innovations which are introduced at the enterprise. The article will be useful to expand the theoretical innovation management knowledge and those who have faced the problem of "multiple choice" in practice, for which a the principles division of innovation according to the innovations types implemented in the enterprise to effectively manage them.
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