The article considers competitive culture as one of the components of economic culture of society, which in turn represents an informal institution that affects the welfare of the nation. The article investigates and analyzes the concept of competitive culture in the system of formation of preconditions for sustainable development of the country's economy. The basic scientific approaches to revealing the essence of competitive culture in the formation of competitive entrepreneurship are determined. The factors influencing the formation of competitive culture in Ukraine are studied. Prospects for increasing the competitive culture in the domestic economy are proposed. The need for a thorough study of the problem of forming a competitive culture is relevant in the context of economic globalization. This issue became even more acute during the military conflict in the east of the country in 2014 and the economic crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic. In conditions of a significant decline in production, fluctuation processes in all spheres of social life radically change cultural values, and hence the motivation of behavior. State regulation of reproduction processes indicates significant changes due to the limitation of the influence of national governments on the development of rules and norms of public life, as well as the implementation of the independence of domestic and foreign policy. As the share of nation-states in ensuring competitiveness in their territories decreases, the effectiveness of many established mechanisms of control over the activities of global companies decreases, while the system of national competition authorities is not yet formed. For such conditions, only a high level of competition and culture can be a certain motive for reasonable self-restraint in competition. In view of this, the purpose of the proposed article is an attempt to comprehensively comprehend the theoretical and methodological foundations of competitive culture, features of its formation in the conditions of national mentality in the period dynamic global change.
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