Keywords: innovations, innovative activity, digitalization, digital innovations, digital transformation of economy


Innovations and digital technologies provides unique opportunities in the process of economic development, increasing the country's competitiveness and quality of life. The world economy development requires the intensification and significant expansion of innovations. Digitalization is becoming a new basis for the functioning and development of innovations. It determines the need for research of the digital economy and its impact on innovative development, which emphasizes the relevance of this study. The study of scientific professional literature showed the difference in views of scientists on the concept, components and essence of the term "digitization". In foreign practice, in the broadest sense, the process of digitalization of the economy is usually understood as a socio-economic transformation initiated by the mass introduction and assimilation of digital technologies, it means technologies for creating, processing, exchanging and transmitting information. According to the Concept of Development of Digital Economy and Society of Ukraine for 2018-2020, it is noted that the main goal of digitalization is to achieve digital transformation of existing and creation of new sectors of the economy, as well as transformation of life into new more efficient and advanced. The purpose of the article is to analyze the development of innovations in Ukraine in the context of digitalization, highlighting trends and features of this process. The digitalization of the economy and society can be considered as a general global trend and Ukraine is trying to join this process. The paper analyzes the features of development and functioning of innovations in Ukraine for the period 2012-2019, in particular, provides data on the dynamics of costs and funding structure of innovations, as well as the main indicators of research and development and key sectors involved in its implementation. The article analyzes the approved Goals of Sustainable Development for Ukraine, as well as the Global Innovation Index and forecasts the possibilities for their achievment. The measures to intensify the development of innovation in the context of digitalization are proposed in the paper.


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How to Cite
Tymoshenko, N., & Shabanova, M. (2021). INNOVATIVE ACTIVITY DEVELOPMENT IN THE CONDITIONS OF DIGITALIZATION. Economy and Society, (29).