The article of dedication to analytical market of insurance business research is in Ukraine. Actuality of economic analytic business-geometry for a management is conditioned by a necessity to develop and elect faithful decisions. She increases also the presence of crisis, caused pandemic of COVID - 19. Expansion of insurance business creates workplaces, activates introduction of innovations, stimulates firmness of economy and softens the consequences of global risks. A research aim consists in the grant of analytical estimation of market of insurance business condition at Ukraine and development of prognosis of his development, using complex methodology. Research object is a national economy. Article of research: market of insurance services in Ukraine. In the article a few groups of methods were used: scientific and special statistical. The special role is occupied by analytical indexes. They estimated a market of insurance services condition and allowed to do this market forecast. This requires complete and reliable statistical information. With the intensification of globalization and integration processes in the world, the development of computer information technology insurance is an indispensable mechanism for ensuring the cyclical nature of the reproduction process, ensuring social stability, security and confidence in the future. Insurance can also be considered as a promising type of business, as a profitable activity, and with a balanced government policy is a source of filling the state budget, a leading sector of the financial and credit system, which raises Ukraine to a higher level along with highly developed countries sustainable socio-economic development. Despite the stabilization and growth of the main indicators of insurance companies in Ukraine, it should be noted that against the background of highly developed countries, insurance and insurance business in our country are still quite poorly developed. In this regard, there is a need to strengthen the competitive position of the insurance market of Ukraine and develop ways to develop it. The statistical data of 2015-2020 are studied. As a result, recommendation conclusions and analytical forecasting of the presence and ways of overcoming obstacles that hinder the development of the market are made.
Additive and multiplicative models. URL: (дата звернення: 10.08.2021)
Статистична інформація. Офіційний сайт державної служби статистики України. URL: (дата звернення: 10.08.2021)
Time series analysis and forecasting Caterpillar-SSA method URL: (дата звернення: 10.08.2021)
Additive and multiplicative models. URL: (accessed 10August 2021)
Statystychna informatsiia. Ofitsiinyi sait derzhavnoi sluzhby statystyky Ukrainy [Statistical information. Official site of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine]. URL: (accessed 10August 2021)
Time series analysis and forecasting Caterpillar-SSA method URL: (accessed 10August 2021)