The article analyzes current issues of financial and legal regulation of social relations in the context of digital transformation. Emphasis is placed on the need to develop an effective model of legal regulation of digital technologies that ensures a balance between preserving fundamental socio-legal values and fostering the development of innovations aimed at improving the quality of life. It is highlighted that, alongside the implementation of digital technologies, it is crucial to prioritize protecting individual and societal interests while ensuring compliance with financial legislation as a key condition for maintaining legal order. Given the impact of digital reality on the public finance system, the necessity of modernizing financial and legal regulation by the requirements of the digital economy is substantiated. The study finds that the successful functioning of the digital economy depends on a well-developed infrastructure, which includes internet access, appropriate software, and an efficient e-governance system. An essential condition is the adaptation of the budgetary and tax systems to the changes brought about by digital transformation to ensure effective legal regulation of budgetary and tax-legal relations. The development of information technologies is leading to a new digital reality, which, in turn, influences all processes without exception, including the sphere of public financial funds. These processes objectively require modernization and identifying ways to improve legal regulation in line with the digital economy. Legal support for digitalization processes is of fundamental importance if citizens wish to remain free individuals within a legal society. The need to determine such approaches also arises in financial and legal science, which continues to develop its priority areas. This is because, for a number of objective reasons, the sphere of relations regulated by financial law has become one of the most technologically advanced today.
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