The aim of the study is to substantiate the existing mechanisms of theoretical and methodological support for the systemic management of marketing in agribusiness and to propose the integration of marketing management concepts in agribusiness systems. The relevance of this topic is due to the insufficient justification of the conceptual foundations of marketing management in Ukraine's agribusiness in terms of the systemic interaction of participants, which negatively affects the market positions of local agribusiness entities and their competitiveness, slows down the development of territorial-spatial agri-food enclaves, complicates the process of developing and making strategic decisions at the level of agricultural enterprises, and at the regional and national levels of integrated agribusiness systems development. The study employs the following methods: analysis and synthesis (to identify conceptual directions for the development of marketing management systems in agribusiness and to compare theories, methods, and concepts of American, European, and Ukrainian models of systemic marketing management in agribusiness); expert evaluation and generalization of results (for the development of proposals for the integration of marketing management concepts in agribusiness systems). The study identifies conceptual directions for marketing management systems in agribusiness and agri-spatial systems; substantiates the integration of management concepts for the development of local agribusiness systems based on the principles of complementarity; proposes methodological approaches to territorial product business branding to create databases on the "nominal value" of the agribusiness distribution chain, which will lead to an increased level of intellectualization of production, infrastructure, and personnel subsystems of marketing management at the local, regional, national, and global levels of agribusiness. Additionally, the study outlines the prospects for the formation of theoretical and methodological aspects of systemic marketing management in agribusiness in the context of justifying the convergent/divergent coordination of the interaction of its structural elements – mechanisms for the sustainable development of territorial-spatial agribusiness systems.
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