The article is devoted to the analysis of social security of the unemployed in the labor market of the Vinnytsia region. The paper considers the main aspects of organizing social support for people who have lost their jobs, as well as the effectiveness of the legislative framework for assisting the unemployed in the context of local labor market features. Unemployment is an acute problem of our time, which affects many countries, including Ukraine. Constant changes in the economy and society increase the need for reliable social protection for those who have lost their jobs. In this situation, the Vinnytsia Regional Employment Center plays a key role. As one of the main institutions dealing with employment issues, it provides a wide range of social services to unemployed citizens. The center helps people not only find a new job, but also adapt to changes in the labor market, obtain the necessary knowledge and skills for a successful career. The state mechanisms of employment, training and retraining, as well as interaction with employers to promote employment stability in the region, are analyzed. Special attention is paid to the problems that arise due to the insufficient level of awareness and limited availability of social services. Legislative regulation of social security of the unemployed is a set of legal norms that determine the procedure and conditions for providing social assistance to persons who have lost their jobs and are actively looking for a new one. This area of legal regulation covers a wide range of issues, starting from the definition of the concept of unemployment and the conditions for obtaining the status of unemployed, and ending with the types of social assistance, the procedure for its appointment and payment, as well as the rights and obligations of the unemployed and state employment agencies. Unemployment assistance is financed from the funds of the Fund of Compulsory State Social Insurance against Unemployment, which is formed at the expense of insurance contributions from employers and employees. Improving the system of social security of the unemployed in the Vinnytsia region will contribute to reducing social tension and improving the economic stability of the region. The role of local authorities in improving the situation on the labor market is highlighted and ways to improve the system of social security for the unemployed in the Vinnytsia region are proposed.
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