The article reveals the essence and evolution of agricultural extension as a key institution of the global agricultural sector, which is a necessary basis for determining the principles and target orientation of agricultural extension services. The purpose of the publication is to study the essence, principles and target orientation of extension services in the context of modern transformation processes. The author emphasizes the leading role of agricultural extension in ensuring sustainable rural development, its significant contribution to improving the welfare and efficiency of small agricultural enterprises. The historical origins of modern agricultural extension, dating back to the Green Revolution and its focus on the large-scale dissemination of agrotechnical knowledge to ensure food security in the postwar period, are considered. The traditional model of agricultural extension, based on the one-way transfer of knowledge from expert advisers to agricultural producers, is analyzed and its limitations related to the ignoring of socio-political aspects of agricultural production are identified. The paradigm shift in the evolution of extension services from the technocratic model to the formation of agricultural extension services based on the principles of dialogue, individualization and comprehensiveness, taking into account the socio-political context and human potential, is substantiated. Attention is focused on the significant increase in scientific interest in the problems of agricultural extension at the beginning of the new millennium, which is confirmed by the exponential increase in scientific publications in specialized publications. It is emphasized that modern extension is a dynamic and evolving system. It is noted that the current stage of extension development requires the integration of socio-political dimensions to ensure sustainable rural development. The relevance of agricultural extension in the context of modern transformations and the growing importance of sustainable rural development is proved. Prospects for further research include studying the world experience of organizing advisory activities and determining the prospects for its implementation in Ukraine.
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