Keywords: diversification, cooperation, Ukraine, EU, innovation, Euroregions


The purpose of the article is to review the existing institutions and mechanisms of cooperation between Ukraine and the European Union in order to determine the directions of their diversification. To achieve the goal, a systematic approach, methods of analysis and synthesis, generalization, etc. were used. Cooperation between Ukraine and the European Union became particularly relevant after the signing of the Association Agreement, which opened up wide opportunities for Ukraine’s integration into European structures and market relations. However, for the effective implementation of these opportunities, it is necessary to consider the issue of diversifying cooperation through various institutions and mechanisms. Diversification of cooperation will allow Ukraine to receive not only more investment, but also technologies and new markets for its goods. The article examines the existing institutions and mechanisms of cooperation between Ukraine and the European Union. The emphasis is placed on the fact that the creation of new institutions for the diversification of cooperation or the development of existing ones can provide systemic support for the regional development of Ukraine. It is noted that the creation of new institutions for the diversification of cooperation is related to the institutions of national economic development, the activities of which are critically important for the entire system of international economic relations of the country. The main elements of the diversification of cooperation are identified. The thesis is substantiated that the system of institutions for the diversification of cooperation should be comprehensive, that is, close «market failures» at all stages of innovation development. It was determined that the following new institutions for diversifying cooperation between Ukraine and the European Union could be: digital consular services, online educational programs, innovative tools of the Horizon Europe Program, knowledge and innovation communities of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology. These proposals can be used in the process of implementing Ukraine’s European integration policy.


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