Keywords: marketing, consumer behaviour, consumer, consumer needs, COVID-19 pandemic


The coronavirus pandemic has affected all aspects of economic activity. Consumer behavior is no exception. Measures for self-isolation, social distancing, quarantine, and other factors have created new consumer trends that need to be detailed. The article is devoted to revealing the peculiarities of consumer behavior in the conditions of COVID-19. During the solution of the tasks set in the article the abstract-logical method of research was used. Because of the threat to health and restrictions changed people's habits, the frequency and location of purchases, the structure and volume of consumption, the needs of the population and, consequently, consumer behavior. First of all, the demand for food and goods related to personal security has increased. Among non-food products, a noticeable trend was the growing demand for household appliances (computers, laptops, webcams, modems). There is also a tendency to accumulate funds, taking into account the possible loss of work and / or reduced earnings. After the global crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic, the world will never be the same, consumers are unlikely to return to their old habits, more likely - they forever changed their habits as people and as consumers through lockdowns and social distancing. Consumers have a tendency to accumulate, reduce consumption "on the go", and increase interest in products in large packages. For some time, the boundaries between professional and domestic life were blurred, because the consumer was not always able to go to the store, the store "came to the buyer." Consumers had to adopt the latest technologies that facilitate work, learning and shopping. They began to worry more about themselves, their relatives, familiar and society. New consumption habits have also emerged in public places such as shops, beauty salons, stadiums, parks, airports and more. Thus, consumer preferences have changed, the approach to consumption has changed, primary needs and, first of all, security needs have come to the fore. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought companies many obvious problems, but far fewer obvious solutions. Therefore, today's business for effective operation must take into account changes in consumer behavior.


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How to Cite
Traino, V. (2021). PECULIARITIES OF CONSUMER BEHAVIOR IN COVID-19 CONDITIONS. Economy and Society, (29).