The article presents a comprehensive study of the benchmarking methodology as an effective tool for assessing the competitiveness of confectionery enterprises. The feasibility of using benchmarking in modern conditions of increased competition in the domestic and global markets, as well as the growth of consumer demands for the quality and assortment of sweets, is substantiated. The essence of the benchmarking method is revealed. Based on the study of scientific literature and practical experience, a system of indicators of the competitiveness of a confectionery enterprise was developed, covering the operational and strategic components. An integrated approach based on the competitiveness index allows you to quickly assess the overall position of the enterprise in the market. In this way, benchmarking becomes an important tool in the strategic management of confectionery companies that strive to remain flexible and innovative in conditions of fierce competition and changing purchasing behavior. Using the example of specific confectionery enterprises, a comparison with the world leader in the industry was made in order to identify positive practices and areas of lagging behind. The results of the study have generated practical recommendations for managers and specialists of confectionery companies aimed at increasing their competitive positions in the market. In particular, the directions for improving production and operational activities (implementation of modern technologies and quality standards), strengthening marketing communications and expanding the range of products taking into account global trends in the consumption of sweets have been outlined. It has been concluded that benchmarking as a continuous process of comparison and adoption of best practices allows for a prompt response to dynamic market changes, ensuring the long-term competitiveness of the enterprise. The conclusions obtained can be used in the practical activities of managers and specialists of confectionery companies in order to increase competitiveness in the domestic and foreign markets.
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