The purpose of the study is the theoretical substantiate the process of formation of innovative management decisions in investment projects. The statistical-economic method (graphic reception at the image of dynamics of capital investments) was used. The abstract-logical method (system-structural method) was used to study the problems of investment activity in the country. The dynamics of capital investments over the last ten years has a positive trend. However, in 2020 the amount of capital investment was lower than in the previous year. This trend was related to the pandemic, shortcomings in the communication environment, the need to improve the laws in the field of investment, and so on. In the structure of capital investment, the largest share is occupied by own funds of enterprises. The smallest share is occupied by funds of non-resident investors. One of the areas of improving investment activity is the investment project management based on innovative decisions. It will help to achieve the best results from the implementation of projects and will stimulate the inflow of new investments. In addition, investment projects management based on innovative decisions, should take into account current global economic trends and global problems that need to be addressed as a matter of priority (including environmental issues, social responsibility, cooperation between business and communities, etc.) The block diagram of the process of making innovative decisions in investment projects was offered. The basis for making innovative decisions in project management is a clear definition of purpose. The implementation of project tasks must be constantly compared with the project objectives. The difference between the results of the work performed and the goals set is a problem. The basis for the formation of innovative decision s is the study of problems of past similar projects. It is important to focus on the generation of new (creative) ideas. People are the source of creative ideas. Such conditions can be provided in the conditions of Agile project management systems - Kanban, Scrum, etc. Their advantages are team cohesion, encouragement for change and creation of business value of the project. Cohesion and understanding of ways to achieve goals by all performers are the key to success. The application of a systematic approach makes it possible to provide a comprehensive solution to problems. Its advantages are the coordination of the interests of business and society. The practical application of research results will improve the process of making innovative decisions.
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