The article explores the main trends in the development of service activities in Ukrainian resort hotels amid the current changes in the tourism market. The focus is on the implementation of innovative technologies, particularly property management systems (PMS) and digital booking platforms, which enhance service quality and customer loyalty. Key aspects of adapting Ukrainian resort hotels to international service standards, such as ISO 9001 and ISO 14001, are examined, along with the growing importance of service personalization. The article highlights the need for personnel training and the introduction of eco-friendly technologies to ensure the sustainable development of resort hotels. It also delves into the impact of global economic trends on the resort hotel industry and the opportunities for collaboration with international tour operators to improve competitiveness. Special attention is paid to the efficiency of marketing strategies in attracting new customer categories, as well as to the role of customer satisfaction and feedback in shaping service improvements. Furthermore, the article investigates the importance of adopting smart technologies in resort hotel management, such as AI-driven solutions and automated customer service tools, which streamline operational processes and create more personalized guest experiences. The integration of these technologies not only boosts customer satisfaction but also significantly enhances the overall operational efficiency of hotels. The paper also explores how Ukrainian resort hotels can leverage international partnerships to stay competitive in a rapidly evolving global tourism landscape. The analysis underscores the critical need for continuous innovation and adaptation to global trends in order to remain relevant and ensure long-term growth in the hospitality sector. Key findings suggest that sustainability, technological adaptation, and improved customer engagement are essential drivers of success for resort hotels in the context of a competitive and evolving global tourism environment. The article concludes by emphasizing that the future success of Ukrainian resort hotels will depend on their ability to integrate cutting-edge technologies, uphold international service standards, and continuously adapt to the dynamic needs of the global tourism market.
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