This article considers the process of creating a marketing strategy of the enterprise in the process of internationalization. Approaches to the definition of the term "internationalization" are described and its differences from globalization are determined. The process of international development is considered. Approaches to the interpretation of international marketing are given, it is determined that they contain characteristics inherent in traditional marketing. It was found that international marketing has its own specifics, which follows from the peculiarities of the functioning of international markets and business conditions. The differences of international marketing from national, usual marketing are described. The opinions and definitions of several researchers were analyzed and 5 key differences of international marketing were revealed: the highest degree of complexity; higher level of risk; growing consumer demand for goods, which requires special attention to marketing strategy in foreign markets; more complex process of strategy development due to the need to take into account cultural features, the state of the economy, etc .; the complexity of management decisions due to the need to develop not only product and market strategies, but also the strategy of entry, expansion into the international market. It has been determined that international marketing combines a strategic and tactical approach to solving certain situations, and the strategic approach is considered in more detail. The key determinants of strategy formation are analyzed, including internal and external input elements, success factors, output elements (strategic decisions). The implementation of the strategy is a very important stage of the company's entry into international markets, goes through several phases and depends on many factors. The following phases are singled out: absence of international marketing strategy, informal international marketing strategy, systematic formalized international marketing strategy, integral international marketing strategy. Levels of realization of the international marketing strategy depending on phases of development of marketing abroad are allocated.
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