Keywords: construction, pricing system, price, cost, estimate, standard


The dynamics of development of the construction industry for the last 10 years is analyzed. A retrospective analysis of the pricing system in construction during the years of independence of Ukraine and in the Soviet period. The essence of the reform of the construction industry, which was carried out by the Ministry of Construction and Architecture, is analyzed. The main problem of the modern pricing system in construction is highlighted, which is the lack of proper and constant state monitoring of optimal and minimum indicators of material resources in terms of regions in accordance with the technical level and indicators determined by the project documentation. The peculiarities of the pricing system in the construction industry, which was put into operation in 2000, are analyzed. The peculiarities and shortcomings of the pricing system in construction, which has been in force since 2015, are highlighted. The proposals on pricing, introduced in the bill 2234 "On amendments to some legislative acts of Ukraine to determine the pricing system in the construction of public roads" are analyzed. The idea of autonomous pricing based on the formation of the contract price and tender offers on the basis of aggregated indicators of the cost of certain types of work, the main component of which is the cost of material resources, which is determined on the basis of non-minimum prices. another region. The danger of adopting regulations that could lead to abuse and inefficient use of public funds is pointed out.It is recommended to extend the standards on pricing in construction for at least two years and return these standards to the Ministry of Communities and Territories of Ukraine to ensure the formation and implementation of state policy in the field of pricing in construction; to create a structure in the sphere of activity of this ministry for monitoring of cost indicators for material and technical resources; to start a mechanism for regulating wages for employees who design and build facilities that are built at public expense; to conduct an audit and ensure the updating of software packages to determine the cost of construction.


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How to Cite
Isaienko, D. (2021). THE STATE OF REFORMING THE PRICE SYSTEM IN CONSTRUCTION. Economy and Society, (29).