Keywords: information society, knowledge economy, education, economic viability, human capital


The education and its functioning in the information society system are viewed in this research. Taking into account that the the basis in this type of society is productive knowledge and quality education, the economic growth is determined by the ability to embody intellectual capital in the results of production activities. However, the problem of education and its functioning in the information society system, as well as its transformation to meet the demands of the information society remains insufficiently covered and still relevant. The main task of this research is to analyze the theoretical basis in order to form an effective model of the education system in the information society through a combination of traditional education and modern information technology. In such type of society, the knowledge economy is functioned, which is defined as a part of the economy that participates in the production and dissemination of knowledge. A knowledge-based economy in which knowledge plays a crucial role, and the production of knowledge becomes the driving force of society and a source of sustainable economic growth. Considering that in the information society only a country, which is capable to convert scientific knowledge into new technologies and goods, can ensure sustainable economic development, a human becomes the center of economic development and the same time a goal of development. The transition to the information society also involves the transformation of public administration, bearing in mind the new role of knowledge and information that become a source of power in society, as well as the development of new means of electronic communication and improving education. Because of this, the process of knowledge development and transfer is becoming relevant, which is not possible without the development of quality education. In the information society, where knowledge and information play a key role, the education system, in its traditional model, cannot ensure full implementation in the new type of society. That is why the urgent task for countries on the way to the information society is to effectively combine the traditional education system and modern information technologies.


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