This article examines the critical aspects of occupational safety in the restaurant business and the food industry. The study investigates employees' knowledge of workplace safety standards, identifies key occupational risks, and evaluates the effectiveness of current safety management systems. The research methodology includes surveys, expert evaluations, content analysis of legal and regulatory frameworks, and observational studies. The results indicate that while employees possess a basic understanding of occupational safety requirements, insufficient hands-on training and infrequent safety drills contribute to an increased likelihood of workplace incidents. The primary risks identified include physical injuries, high-stress conditions, prolonged exposure to extreme temperatures, ergonomic hazards, and chemical contamination from food processing agents. The research underscores the necessity of implementing international safety standards, such as ISO 45001, to enhance workplace safety culture. Additionally, the study emphasizes the role of managerial oversight in ensuring compliance with regulations and creating a safer working environment. Special focus is given to innovative approaches such as the integration of digital monitoring systems, predictive risk assessment technologies, and advanced personal protective equipment. The research findings highlight the importance of continuous training programs, risk prevention strategies, and emergency response protocols tailored to the needs of the hospitality sector. The conclusions drawn from this study can serve as a basis for refining occupational safety policies, optimizing hazard prevention strategies, and improving overall working conditions in the food service industry. By fostering a safety-conscious workplace environment, businesses can mitigate risks, reduce injuries, and enhance employee well-being, ultimately leading to increased efficiency and sustainable development in the HoReCa sector.
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