The results of the study indicate the need to publish relevant data in public reporting forms, which, on the one hand, will contribute to the correct understanding by users of the fiscal aspects of the enterprise's activities, on the other hand, will have a mandatory nature and, most importantly, a universal approach to its formation. This can be implemented by reflecting data related to the enterprise's fiscal calculations in integrated reporting forms. The purpose of the article is to identify and formalize the main substantive characteristics of indicators regarding tax and other fiscal calculations of the enterprise for their reflection in integrated reporting. To achieve the goals of the study, general scientific and specialized methodological techniques were used. It is proposed to attribute to the budget calculations for taxes and other mandatory payments, payments in which the enterprise participates as a result of receiving and using state resources, implementing budget state programs, as well as other calculations related to the transfer to the state or receipt by the enterprise from it of funds. When compiling integrated reporting, it is necessary to take into account the objective characteristics of users' decisions, which are made on the basis of data on the enterprise's tax calculations, which is formalized based on the need to influence the initiators, organizers and executors of economic transactions, interaction with the state, society, suppliers and customers, as well as management of assets, liabilities and equity of the enterprise. The indicators of integrated reporting on the fiscal calculations of enterprises are proposed to include a description of the selected taxation system, the volume of fiscal payments, the source of fiscal payments, data on the benefits used when paying fiscal payments, parameters of savings when paying fiscal payments that are not related to benefits and surpluses when paying fiscal payments, as well as the impact of fiscal payments on the results of the enterprise's activities. Integrated reporting information on the fiscal calculations of an enterprise should take into account the needs of its users in obtaining data that will allow assessing the level of dynamics and structure of the relevant payments, their impact on the activity and its results.
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Rizzato, F., Tonelli, A., Fiandrino, S., Devalle, A. (2024). Analysing SDG disclosure and its impact on integrated thinking and reporting. Meditari Accountancy Research, 32, 3, 803—831. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1108/MEDAR-07-2022-1751.
Senani, K. G. P., Ajward, R., Kumari, J. S. (2022). Determinants and consequences of integrated reporting disclosures of non-financial listed firms in an emerging economy. Journal of Financial Reporting and Accounting, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1108/JFRA-03-2022-0083.
Zennaro, G., Corazza, G., Zanin, F. (2024). The effects of integrated reporting quality: a meta-analytic review. Meditari Accountancy Research, 32, 7, 197—235. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1108/MEDAR-09-2023-2175.

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