The article is devoted to the study of modern trends in the domestic housing market in the pre-war and war period. A brief analysis of the volume of construction work in Ukraine for 2020-2023, as well as quantitative indicators of the housing stock of Ukraine, their dynamics and structure are highlighted. The regional distribution of new residential complexes that began to be built in Ukraine after 02/24/2024 and changes in the average price of apartments in the secondary housing market in Ukraine during the war period are analyzed. Prospective directions for the development of the construction industry in the conditions of military aggression are substantiated, among which the reconstruction of infrastructure, the reorientation of consumer demand and the attraction of investments are highlighted. It is established that the construction industry in Ukraine during martial law requires flexibility and adaptation to rapidly changing conditions, and the success of its development depends on the ability to predict and take into account the influence of many factors, among which the key ones are the duration and scale of hostilities, economic changes (both domestic and international) and geopolitical factors. To ensure the sustainable development of the construction industry in the conditions of war and post-war recovery, strategic planning is necessary, taking into account all possible scenarios and providing for effective mechanisms for responding to challenges. It is proven that despite the ongoing military operations in Ukraine, the housing market shows signs of recovery during 2023, characterized by growth in all segments. A key factor in demand is ready or almost ready housing, the commissioning of which is expected within the year. Investments in construction at the early stages pose a significant risk for many citizens, which is due to the unstable situation and uncertain prospects. The general trend is characterized by an increase in real estate prices, especially in the western regions of Ukraine, which were relatively less affected by the fighting. However, the demand situation in the western regions has stabilized and does not demonstrate the significant excitement that was observed at the beginning of 2022.
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