Keywords: external environment, PEST analysis, higher education institutions, global trends, sustainable development


The article examines the impact of the external environment on the development of higher education institutions using PEST analysis. Political, economic, social and technological factors that influence the functioning and development of higher education institutions are studied. Particular attention is paid to global trends, economic challenges, social changes and technological innovations that shape the modern educational landscape. Political factors include government policy, regulatory changes and international relations that affect educational institutions. Economic factors cover funding, economic stability and global economic trends that affect the resources and capabilities of higher education institutions. Social factors consider demographic changes, cultural trends and demand for higher education that affect the student population and educational programs. Technological factors analyze the impact of innovations, digital technologies and information systems on teaching methods, research and management of higher education institutions. A special section of the study is dedicated to sustainable development, emphasizing the integration of environmental considerations and social responsibility into the strategic planning of higher education institutions. Sustainable development is portrayed as a cornerstone in the formation of development strategies that harmonize environmental, economic, and social objectives. The article argues that higher education institutions have a crucial role in promoting sustainability through their educational offerings, research initiatives, and community engagement activities. The findings of this comprehensive analysis are intended to serve as valuable insights for developing robust development strategies for higher education institutions in an ever-evolving external environment. The study underscores the importance of adaptability and resilience in ensuring that higher education institutions can navigate external changes and enhance their global competitiveness. Furthermore, the conclusions drawn from the study can inform policy-making and management practices within higher education institutions, thereby fostering their sustainable development and elevating the quality of education they provide.


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Widyasari, Y. D. L., Nugroho, L. E. & Permanasari, A. E. (2019). Persuasive technology for enhanced learning behavior in higher education. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education. 16. P.15. Avaliable at: (Accessed 15 November 2024)

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