International business is a set of agreements that are concluded and executed across national borders and that involve the movement of resources, goods and services internationally. It is influenced by many factors, including language differences between countries, traditions, exchange rates, political obstacles, customs barriers, etc. The conditions for the emergence and expansion of international entrepreneurship are the development of transnational corporations in the countries, the deepening of the international division of labor, the creation of a world market for goods, and the development of international lending. The agreement with the countries of the European Union provides an opportunity to realize the economic potential of the country and ensure its economic development. The article is devoted to a topical issue in international business, as well as the experience of Ukraine in this process. International entrepreneurship is primarily associated with the effective use of all factors of production for the purpose of economic growth of the enterprise. The subjects of international business are its participants, who are able to work effectively to pursue their own business interests. The Law of Ukraine "On Foreign Economic Activity" recognizes the subjects of such activities: individuals – citizens of Ukraine, foreign citizens and stateless persons who have legal capacity, legal entities registered in Ukraine and permanently residing in its territory, structural units of economic entities foreign countries (subsidiaries, branches, offices, representative offices), joint ventures with a permanent location in Ukraine. International production as a joint venture of partners of two or more countries is carried out within the framework of cooperation in various fields (production, circulation, investment, innovation). For stability in the world market, it is necessary to transfer foreign economic relations to a long-term basis, which requires a radical change in foreign economic activity. Long-term consolidation in the markets of other countries will be facilitated by the intensification of foreign entrepreneurial activity.
Міжнародне підприємництво. URL:
Сучасний стан і перспективи української євроінтеграції. URL:
Розвиток українського підприємництва в контексті євроінтеграції. URL:
Європейська інтеграція – стратегічний пріоритет державної політики України. URL:
Напрями підвищення конкурентоспроможності суб’єктів малого підприємництва в Україні. URL:
Ачкасов А.Є., Петрова В.Ф., Піонтківський П.В. Формування підприємницького середовища в Україні. Проблеми і перспективи розвитку підприємництва : Збірник наук. праць ХНАДУ. 2014. №2, Т. 2. С. 5–9.
Mizhnarodne pidpryemnitstvo [International entrepreneurship]. Available at:
Suchasniy stan i perspectivy ukrayinskoyi yevrointegratsii [The current state and prospects of Ukrainian European integration]. Available at:
Rozvytok ukrayinskogo pidptyemnytstva v konteksti yevrointegratsii [Development of Ukrainian entrepreneurship in the context of European integration]. Available at:
Yevropeyska intehratsiya – strategichniy prioritet derzhavnoyi polityky Ukrainy [European integration is a strategic priority of Ukraine's state policy]. Available at:
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