Keywords: foreign trade, foreign trade activity, export, import, foreign trade balance, goods, services, commodity structure of foreign trade, geographical, structure of foreign trade, trading partners, trade potential


The article is devoted to the study of key trends, problems and prospects for the development of Ukraine's foreign trade in wartime conditions. The main problems and obstacles to the development of Ukraine's foreign trade activities in wartime conditions are identified, among which, in particular, the rapid reduction in export and import volumes, the growth of the negative balance of foreign trade, the need to reorient to other markets, and problems with logistics that arose as a result of the blockade of sea and land routes are highlighted. The commodity structure of Ukraine's foreign trade and the dynamics of its development are analyzed, and the main articles of domestic exports and imports are highlighted. In particular, it is noted that in the commodity structure of domestic exports in 2024, the largest share falls on food products and agricultural products, metals and products made from them, machinery, equipment and transport, and in the commodity structure of Ukrainian imports, the main articles are machinery, equipment and transport, chemical industry products, rubber, other goods and fuel and energy products. It is concluded that the predominance of food and agricultural products in the structure of Ukrainian exports means for Ukraine, which previously exported ferrous metals and products from them the most, the formation of a new specialization on the world market. The prerequisites and features of the transformation of the geographical structure of Ukraine's foreign trade are determined, key trading partners and their share in domestic exports and imports of goods are analyzed. The growing role and importance of the European Union as a leading foreign trade partner of Ukraine is emphasized. The positive dynamics of the restoration of Ukraine's foreign trade are emphasized and the prospects for the development of Ukraine's foreign trade potential are determined. In particular, it is emphasized that in the process of Ukraine's resolution of the problems caused by the war, the country must develop its foreign trade potential, the growth of which is of interest to other entities of the world market, as well as plan and implement measures to diversify the commodity and geographical structure of foreign trade, develop approaches to improving the quality of domestic products and modernizing production capacities and processes, and create favorable conditions for national producers.


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How to Cite
Pichkurova, Z. (2024). DEVELOPMENT OF UKRAINE’S FOREIGN TRADE IN THE CONDITIONS OF WAR. Economy and Society, (70).