The article analyzes modern approaches to the concept of "cultural diplomacy". It presents its own vision of this concept, namely, Cultural diplomacy is an extremely valuable tool of international relations, which: is flexible; has a long-term impact; supports national identity and image; allows strengthening and expanding international cooperation; etc. Today, in the conditions of globalization, most subjects of international relations prefer means of soft power. Cultural diplomacy is one of the most powerful instruments of this power, which not only promotes rapprochement between cultures, but also, with the help of its power, can be a meeting place for peaceful resolution of conflict issues. Cultural diplomacy contributes to the development of trust between countries, the establishment of effective cooperation and overcoming bias. The goal of commercial diplomacy is to contribute to the strengthening of international relations. The importance of the correct application of commercial diplomacy is growing every year, as it helps a state strengthen its positions in the international arena, and also helps to resolve political issues. In addition, the mechanisms for implementing cultural diplomacy were considered, which are divided into traditional (exhibitions, festivals, cultural exchanges, educational programs) and innovative (social media, digital technologies, artificial intelligence). Traditional ones have deep historical roots and contribute to the strengthening of interstate relations. Cultural cooperation helps implement foreign policy initiatives and secures a country's rightful place in the world. It also helps to shape a positive image of the country, attract investment, and expand the circle of partners. Traditional approaches require constant updating and adaptation to international trends. The innovative mechanism includes the use of digital technologies, social media, which in turn allows reaching a larger audience and spreading cultural messages with greater efficiency and speed. Each of the mechanisms has its own advantages and, if used correctly, taking into account international trends and modern challenges, it is possible to strengthen the international image and achieve foreign policy goals.
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