Keywords: strategy for enhancing enterprise information security, enterprise information security, enterprise information resources, information security management systems, cyber threats


The article considers the main issues of enhancing the information security of enterprise, determines the importance of its provision for business in the context of rapid development of technologies. The article conducts a theoretical study of approaches to definition of the concept of ‘information security of an enterprise’ by different scientists. The main functions performed by information security are defined. The main types of information security that should be ensured during the operation of an enterprise are considered. In the process of using international standards in the field of information technology, the need to comply with legislative and regulatory requirements for information security has been identified. The sequence of implementation of the ISO/IEC 27001 standard at an enterprise is proposed, possible terms of its implementation and those responsible are determined. The main stages of formation of a strategy for enhancing the information security of enterprise are defined. An effective strategy for enhancing information security should have clearly defined goals and objectives aimed at reducing risks, increasing the level of protection of information systems and ensuring compliance with modern standards. The purpose of implementing this strategy is to ensure reliable protection of confidential, critical and publicly available information from unauthorized access, leakage, loss or modification. Achieving this goal requires compliance with the following principles: ensuring confidentiality, maintaining integrity and guaranteeing accessibility. It is determined that the introduction of training and the formation of a culture of compliance with the principles of information security are important elements in the implementation of a strategy for enhancing information security. It is noted that the introduction of a strategy for enhancing the information security of an enterprise will allow the enterprise to build an effective information security management system, minimize the risks of information incidents, increase the level of trust from customers and partners, and ensure compliance with legislative and regulatory requirements. In further research, the authors will focus on developing enterprise information security management mechanisms to protect critical data.


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How to Cite
Mashchenko, M., & Ippolitov, Y. (2024). DEVELOPMENT OF A STRATEGY FOR ENHANCING ENTERPRISE INFORMATION SECURITY. Economy and Society, (70).