The article examines the significance of information and communication technologization (ICT) in ensuring effective integrated marketing communications (IMC) in the activities of higher education institutions. The author emphasizes the transformational processes occurring in the field of education under the influence of digitalization, globalization, and changes in the market environment. The study is based on a comprehensive approach, including systematic analysis, data synthesis, and the examination of practical examples of ICT application in higher education. The study identifies key areas of ICT implementation, including the automation of communication processes, the expansion of digital interaction channels, the use of big data analytics, interactivity, enhancing the inclusivity of educational programs, and supporting international cooperation. The author demonstrates that the use of modern digital technologies enables higher education institutions to achieve a higher level of competitiveness, create new interaction formats with target audiences, and enhance the efficiency of marketing processes. Special attention is paid to the role of ICT in building long-term relationships with prospective students, current students, their families, and other stakeholders. The article describes the potential of digital marketing tools such as social media, chatbots, virtual tours, and online interaction platforms. The impact of automation on internal management processes in higher education institutions is also explored, including the optimization of class schedules, the management of admission applications, and the analysis of educational service efficiency. The author notes that the introduction of ICT facilitates the development of inclusive educational services, ensuring accessibility for people with special needs and opening new opportunities for international cooperation in education. The importance of integrating analytical tools that allow the adaptation of marketing strategies to the needs and expectations of target audiences is emphasized. The study highlights the need for further development of integrated marketing communications in HEIs through the use of modern information and communication technologies. This enables educational institutions to effectively adapt to new challenges, strengthen their reputation in the international educational services market, and ensure sustainable development in the long term.
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