Keywords: re-emigration, re-emigration Europe, macroeconomic policy, immigrants, human resources, workforce, Ukraine


The article analyzes the European experience in designing and implementing macroeconomic re-emigration policies and identifies useful practices and mechanisms for Ukraine. The issue at hand is the loss of human and intellectual capital brought on by mass migration during the war. Critical demographic, economic, and social losses for the country are outlined. The study provides an analysis of the geographical distribution of Ukrainian emigrants, noting that 65% are located in Europe, with Germany hosting the largest share. A comparative analysis of the benefits for Europe of retaining Ukrainian immigrants versus their return to Ukraine is presented. While Europe benefits from addressing labor shortages, mitigating population aging, and stimulating economic growth through taxes and consumption, the return of emigrants to Ukraine would bolster the country’s recovery, enhance its demographic and economic stability, and strengthen its geopolitical role. The article highlights why Europe is the most viable source of re-emigrants for Ukraine. European countries host the largest number of Ukrainian emigrants, and their geographical proximity reduces logistical challenges for returnees. Additionally, many Ukrainian emigrants in Europe maintain stronger ties with their homeland compared to those in more distant regions. European economies, facing crises and financial burdens of supporting refugees, may also be incentivized to collaborate on return migration programs. Furthermore, the article examines specific practices in European countries for supporting re-emigrants. For instance, Germany and Switzerland offer financial incentives and employment services, while Norway and Spain provide entrepreneurship support and local reintegration programs. Recommendations for enhancing Ukraine's re-emigration policy are proposed, emphasizing safe conditions, economic incentives, and rebuilding trust in state institutions. The article underscores the importance of international cooperation in implementing re-emigration strategies to restore Ukraine’s economic potential and intellectual capacity.


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How to Cite
НamovaO., Kusakova, Y., & Mudrova, K. (2024). ANALYSIS OF THE EUROPEAN EXPERIENCE IN MACROECONOMIC REEMIGRATION POLICY: LESSONS FOR UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (70). Retrieved from