Keywords: trade, network retail, genesis, value chain, sustainable development, integration, economy, ecology, society


The article studies the genesis of network retail. The evolution of the development of network retail is considered, namely Retail 1.0 (self-service stores), Retail 2.0 (retail chains), Retail 3.0 (E-commerce), Retail 4.0 (integration), Retail 5.0 (virtual trade). The characteristics of the genesis of network retail are given by the following features: criterion, integration, control, scale. It is concluded that the development of network retail is formed by such vectors as society, which is based on the consumer with his preferences and values; ecology, which involves environmentally conscious production and consumption; economy - obtaining a positive financial result from conducting entrepreneurial activities in the field of trade and refinancing in the process of scaling network retail. The sustainability of network retail is aimed at human development; environmental friendliness of conducting trade activities through the use of environmentally safe technologies for conducting trade; economic efficiency of trade activities in terms of minimizing costs and optimizing the logistics of supply and delivery of goods. It is substantiated that a feature of the development of network retail is their uneven distribution across the territory of the state, the presence of different formats for organizing their activities, the penetration of international retail into the Ukrainian trade market, which modifies the work of domestic trade facilities. It is proven that the active development of network retail requires the improvement of formats in retail trade, assortment, marketing, pricing policy, advertising company, digitalization of retail business processes, retail logistics technologies, the introduction of innovative services for the provision of trade services, greening of retail, etc. It is noted that network retail in Ukraine is in a cyclical transformation process, which is characterized by turbulence and uncertainty of the environment, which has especially intensified during the pandemic, and now - during the period of martial law in the country. It is proposed to consider network retail as a triad model of its sustainable development, where network retail involves meeting the needs of society in quality goods and services, caring for the environment, and obtaining economic efficiency of operation.


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How to Cite
Dmytruk, A. (2024). THE GENESIS OF NETWORK RETAIL DEVELOPMENT . Economy and Society, (70).