The article is devoted to the study and systematization of the basic methodological principles and organizational bases of accounting improvement in the current legislation. Also the disclosure of the economic essence and content of settlements with buyers and customers, methods of registration of transactions with buyers and customers and accounting of settlements with counterparties in the functioning of information systems. Accounting for payments to buyers and customers is the most important part of accounting work, as at this stage the main part of the income and cash receipts of enterprises is formed. With the help of calculations it is possible, on the one hand, to direct and provide enterprises with raw materials, fuel, packaging, and on the other hand to sell finished products. Thus, only effectively organized accounting of settlements with customers and customers can ensure the formation of reliable information on settlement and payment transactions of the enterprise, regulation of their implementation with the least losses and timely management decisions. There is no primary document for accounting settlements with customers, which collects current, doubtful and bad debts, so the company will independently develop the form of this form for internal management. The purpose of settlements with customers is to verify the increase and decrease of settlements with customers, accrual and write-off of the provision for doubtful debts, the correctness of their reflection in the account. Methods of settlements with buyers: check the availability of primary documents; check the balance of receivables of the relevant group; check the actually written off bad debts; check the debt that is declared bad next year; check the net income from sales of products, goods, works, services on the terms of subsequent payment; check receivables for products, goods, works, services that are considered doubtful; check the accrual of the provision for doubtful debts; check the write-off of the provision for doubtful debts. The proposed method of inspection will allow the auditor to cover all aspects of accounting for payments to customers in the company, to investigate the correctness, timeliness, legality of accounting for payments to customers, timely identify violations, conduct quality audits and improve the efficiency of the enterprise.
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