The article reveals the essence and systematizes anti-crisis strategies for enterprise management. It is indicated that it is advisable to distinguish between the general strategic approach to management and the management strategy itself. It has been proven that in anti-crisis management it is advisable to distinguish three strategic approaches, in particular, “curtailment” or “cutting off the excess”, “expansion” and “stabilization”. The use of one or another strategic approach depends on the situation in the external business environment and the internal reserves of the enterprise to respond to it. The article substantiates the systematization of anti-crisis management strategies depending on the involvement of internal or external resources and specialists, the object of application of management efforts and the stage of the crisis. The choice of the most justified anti-crisis strategy depends on many factors, including the goals of the enterprise, the ambitions of managers and owners, available resources and the possibility of attracting them, external conditions of the business environment and many others. Anti-crisis strategies, applied depending on the resources and specialists involved in overcoming the crisis, include strategies of internal, external and combined management. Depending on the object of application of management efforts, anti-crisis strategies are distinguished, aimed at the causes of the crisis, its duration, consequences, or several objects simultaneously. It is indicated that the most significant factor in the differentiation of strategies is the crisis stage. At the stage of latent crisis or initial destabilization, it is necessary to introduce preventive anti-crisis management by implementing strategies of approaching, eliminating the crisis or non-intervention. At the stage of crisis development, the need for reactive management with strategies for crisis development, combating negative manifestations and consequences, or a strategy of neutrality becomes relevant. At the stage of crisis completion, it is advisable to implement a post-crisis management model using strategies for adaptation, active promotion or exit from the crisis.
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