The article examines changes in the tools for managing the organizational and economic activities of the production and economic complex in the context of using smart-technologies and/or transitioning to smart-production. The purpose of the article is to substantiate and provide proposals for taking into account changes in the resource and communication model of management of the production and economic complex in the context of the implementation of smart technologies and the transition to smart production. Research methods: systematic approach, analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization. Information and organizational changes in the resource and communication model have been identified, which will allow for the management of product resource intensity based on the conversion of data arrays on technological processes generated by smart equipment in real time into information for operational accounting of the activities of the production and economic complex.These changes are associated with the processing of large data sets about technological processes and the formation of economic information for the resource and communication model, which is the basis of the coordination centre of the information and computer system for managing the production and economic complex and includes software and hardware, accounting, organizational, and analytical blocks. It is proposed to include a block “technological data-economic information” in the resource-communication model, in which data arrays about technological processes generated by smart equipment in real time will be converted into operational information for financial and management accounting and transmitted to the accounting and analytical blocks. Organizational changes in the resource-communication model of the production and economic complex are associated with ensuring a coordinated transition to the use of smart technologies in the management of primary and secondary resources, including secondary energy resources, by participants in an inter-sectoral association of enterprises on the basis of industrial symbiosis (circular production, environmental safety, and comfortable living conditions for the population). It is substantiated that in the resource and communication model of managing the production and economic complex, when assessing the impact of the introduction of smart technologies on the profitability of production, along with reducing the resource intensity of products, it is advisable to take into account the receipt of environmental and/or social effects. Keywords: the production and economic complex, tools for managing
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