Transport and logistics is one of the key sectors of the economy that ensures the efficient functioning of domestic and foreign markets. Given the current challenges associated with military operations on the territory of Ukraine, their consequences and the need for post-war recovery, the labour market in this sector is undergoing and requires significant changes. The purpose of the study is to determine the current needs of the labour market in the field of transport and logistics through content analysis of demand for professions, professional qualification requirements of employers and prospects for the development of the industry, which will allow to formulate recommendations for the adaptation of educational programmes, retraining of personnel and, in general, to promote the effective functioning of the labour market. The research methods used include content analysis of job advertisements posted on leading job search platforms, which allowed us to identify the most popular professions and professional and qualification requirements of employers; comparative analysis and statistical analysis of the total number of vacancies, analysis of structural changes in demand for professions and forecasting of labour market dynamics. The article identifies the list of the most popular and promising professions in the field of transport and logistics system: driver, dispatcher, logistician, international transport specialist, forwarder, storekeeper, warehouse manager, logistics manager, car mechanic, car washer, mechanic, auto mechanic, auto electrician, loader, straightener, tyre fitter, foreign economic activity (FEA) manager, freight transport manager, fleet administrator, etc. Particular attention is paid to the professional and qualification imbalance arising from the mismatch between training and market requirements. The main unresolved aspects are identified, including the need to develop effective mechanisms for forecasting, adapting educational programmes to modern challenges and integrating socially vulnerable groups into the labour market. The results of the study can be used to formulate strategies for the development of the industry and training of specialists in accordance with current market needs.
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