This article summarizes approaches to assessing the effectiveness of institutional support for the development of innovative business and substantiates the directions of its optimization. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study is the institutional-evolutionary approach to assessing the elements of institutional support for innovative business; a structural-functional approach to determining the tools for assessing the effectiveness of institutional regulation of innovation dynamics. It is defined that the state of development of innovative business is determined by formal norms that regulate innovative activity; infrastructure and information support for the innovation process; state programs for financial support of innovative activity in the economy; accessibility and availability of credit financing; stimulating tax benefits. The emphasis is on the lack of a single methodological approach to assessing institutional efficiency, and a wide range of direct and indirect tools and methodological approaches are used to determine it: from the tools of fuzzy set theory to comparative analysis. Positive innovation dynamics have been established according to indicators that characterize the state of intangible production, in particular services, and directly the ICT sphere and negative trends in the functioning of the institutional and regulatory environment; human capital development; the effectiveness of fundamental research. Substantiated criteria for using the methodological apparatus of the theory of fuzzy sets and expert surveys, which allow obtaining an assessment of the institutional impact on innovation dynamics: regulatory state norms; infrastructure and information support of the innovation process; state programs of financial support for innovations; credit support for innovation dynamics; tax benefits to stimulate the development of innovations. The theoretical and methodological provisions of this study generalize and deepen the practical principles of institutional support for the development of innovations in the national economy.
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