The article is devoted to topical issues of event-industry development, the main problems of the industry, including the peculiarities of functioning during and after quarantine restrictions in connection with the spread of COVID-19. The modern advertising market of Ukraine is undergoing a period of profound transformations, which from the standpoint of consumers can be described as oversaturated and chaotic. Numerous commercials and screensavers on the Internet, on television, radio, on the pages of printed publications, constructions of outdoor advertising testify to its overload. In the face of growing competition, it is becoming increasingly difficult to attract the attention of experienced consumers with simple advertising messages. The process of creating new, more effective approaches in establishing horizontal links between the brand and the target audience becomes natural. One of the tools designed to support and enhance the effect of classic media weight is event marketing. It is established that the Ukrainian event business, which has been actively developing in our country since 2005, has undergone significant transformations, both quantitative and qualitative. The modern event industry is developing in conditions of high competition, but is characterized by low culture. Systematized problems that hinder the development of the event market of Ukraine, namely: lack of a platform for communication of event structures, insufficient number of qualified personnel, unwillingness of Ukrainian producers to creative decisions in marketing, weak protection of the industry at the legislative level in unforeseen situations. 2020 has been a major challenge for the event industry. Prohibitions, lockdowns and the uncertain situation around the world have reduced the number of offline events to a record low, as a result, many companies have suffered significant financial losses. In the market of marketing services, quarantine restrictions have had the greatest impact on the event marketing industry. Virtual and hybrid measures have their limitations and, as a result, cannot compensate for the fall of the whole category. Today we can see an overall decline in the event industry. Under conditions of quarantine restrictions, there is a rapid decline in offline activities. These trends have led to the emergence of new virtual solutions and as a consequence - new opportunities in the event market. Against the background of a sharp decline in the market, we see technological innovations, trends in which suggest that online events have taken their niche in mass communications and will continue after the pandemic.
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