Keywords: information technology, IT, information support of the audit, audit of financial results, transactions with related parties,, procurement of services from IT specialists


The article is devoted to the topical issues of information support and procedures for a qualitative audit of the financial results of an IT enterprise. The purpose of the article is to study the information support and disclose the key procedures for auditing the financial results of IT enterprises. The impact of IT enterprises on the Ukrainian economy is increasing on an annual basis. The rapid growth of the sector certainly attracts both Ukrainian and foreign investors. The former, in turn, are highly interested in the transparency and stability of enterprises. The audit of financial results of companies is the most common way to verify the reliability of the financial position of an enterprise and is the basis for making investment decisions. However, IT companies have their own peculiarities, so the auditor should take into account such factors as the efficiency and flexibility of financial accounting caused by the constant dynamics in the industry, the peculiarities of operations related to intellectual property (company developments), the impact of market conditions on the IT industry and the cross-border format of doing business. Given the peculiarities of the IT sector, it is important to identify the key aspects of information support and explore ways to improve the procedures for auditing the financial performance of an IT enterprise. In order to achieve this purpose, the following research methods and techniques were used: analysis and synthesis, abstraction, generalization and systematic approach. The article analyzes the features of financial reporting of IT enterprises, customer relationship management systems, tools for data analysis and reporting, stages of auditing the financial results of IT enterprises. The classification of information support for auditing the financial results of IT companies and collecting audit evidence has been supplemented and clarified. The most common key audit issues in the IT sector are considered, namely, transactions with related parties and procurement of services from IT specialists. The main stages of auditing the financial results of information technology enterprises are characterized. The ways of solving key issues of auditing financial results in the field of information technology are researched.


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