Keywords: ecological stability, digital transformation, Zaporizhzhia region, ecological damage, demining, monitoring, environment


The article considers the main environmental problems of the Zaporizhzhia region, modern trends in solving environmental issues in Ukraine and the Zaporizhzhia region. The author reveals the large-scale, catastrophic consequences of military operations in the Zaporizhzhia region, changes in the ecosystem and environment, and investigates the use of modern technologies in monitoring and assessing the damage caused to the environment of the region. The paper analyzes the implementation of modern trends in economic stability in the world and in Ukraine. Particular attention is paid to promising modern developments and implementation of digital transformation in Ukraine, changes in approaches in science. The article provides information on the vectors of activity of the Government of Ukraine in matters of environmental sustainability of the country and the application of modern technological developments for this. As a result of the research in the article, key areas for the implementation of modern trends in environmental stability for economic development in the Zaporizhzhia region are identified. It was determined that GovTech will become the central catalyst for the transformation of public service delivery, including environmental services, aims to stimulate innovation in various sectors, create jobs, reduce harmful emissions and global economic growth. The thematic areas and solutions for environmental sustainability of GovTech were considered. Ukraine's GovTech strategy underscores the country's commitment to digital transformation, bolstered by strong political backing and a focus on resilience was presented. It was noted that if digital technologies are scaled up, they will be able to reduce emissions by 20% by 2050 in the three sectors with the highest emissions: energy, materials and transport. The digital transformations implemented by the Government of Ukraine in the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine, platforms such as EcoSystem and EcoZagroza, are listed. Key projects of the Zaporizhzhia region that are implemented in cooperation with the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine are identified.


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How to Cite
Dubynina, S. (2024). ENVIRONMENTAL STABILITY AS A KEY TENDENCY OF MODERN DEVELOPMENT OF THE ZAPORIZHZHIA REGION. Economy and Society, (70). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2024-70-71